Klassisk på trekkspel - Transkripsjonar
Håvard Svendsruds innspilling med klassisk musikk fikk terningkast 6 i Klassisk Musikkmagasin 1/2011.

Information in English futher down this page.

Håvard Svendsrud was born 1974 in Modum in the Norwegian county Buskerud. He is among the most outstanding Norwegian accordionists and has an acclaimed position in both classical music and folk music/accordion music. He has his education from Barratt Due Music Institute in Oslo where he was thought by accordion teacher Anders Grøthe. Svendsrud also had lessons with Professor Geir Draugsvoll at The Royal Danish Music Conservatory in Copenhagen. In February 2009 Oslo Concert Hall was arena for Svendsruds official classical debut concert.

Svendsrud has distinguished himself as versatile musician in many styles, and the commitments vary widely. He is often used as accompany, studio musician and theatre musician. He is instructor and holds master classes for accordionists.

Håvard Svendsruds musical career started with being a soloist with the Stavanger Symphonic Orchestra in 1997. He has later toured with concerts several places both in America and Europe. Every year he organizes and plays series of solo recitals with classical music on the program. In 2010 recordings from Svendsruds concerts were broadcasted in Swedish Radio (SR) and Norwegian Broadcasting Company (NRK).

On the CD “Classical on Accordion – Transcriptions” Svendsrud plays works that has been central in many of his classical concerts. Jon Faukstads arrangement of "From Holberg's Time " and Friedrich Lips arrangement of "Chaconne in D minor" is the basis for parts of Svendsrud’s versions. This is Håvard Svendsrud’s first recording containing classical music.

The CD is recorded in Frogner Church in Lier (Buskerud), June and September 2010.

Sound engineer and producer - Geir Inge Lotsberg.

Norild Records

“Classical on accordion – Transcriptions” is released with support from the Fund for Performing Artists /Fond for utøvende kunstnere (FFUK).